Confinement meals

Vegetarian Confinement Food: Foods That Vegetarian Mothers Should Eat

Meat is traditionally viewed as a vital component of postpartum confinement meals in Singapore. This is because meat is believed to come with warming characteristics in TCM, and is often used with the aim of nourishing and rebalancing the mother’s body. But with vegetarian diets increasingly gaining traction for health, ethical, and environmental reasons, many have started to reduce their reliance on daily consumption of animal products. How then, can vegetarian mothers still gain the necessary nutrition without compromising on their choice of diet? We’ve put together this list of foods that vegetarian mothers can consume to ensure they don’t miss out on essential nutrients during their confinement.


Ginger is one of the most commonly seen ingredients in the preparation of confinement meals. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it is often used for clearing phlegm, stopping coughs, and the detoxification benefits it comes with. That said, the main reason it is included in so many confinement meal deliveries is its warming elements.

TCM believes that the elements that cause a new mother’s body temperature to drop are harmful. Hence, ginger is used to keep the body warm, eliminating ‘wind’, and preventing ailments such as rheumatism and body aches in the future.


Carrots confinement meal delivery

Carrots are high in fibre which can help to prevent constipation in new mothers after delivery. In addition, they are also rich in beta-carotene which helps to boost the immune system.

Lotus roots

Lotus root is a rich source of polyphenolic compounds that come with many health benefits ranging from antioxidative to anti-inflammatory properties. Lotus root soup is usually given to new mothers for its high levels of nutrition, on top of keeping the bodies of new mothers warm. Add some papayas into lotus root soup as a natural sweetener, and to boost milk production for breastfeeding mothers.

Learn more: 4 Ways Soups Can Help During Your Confinement Period

King oyster mushroom

King oyster mushrooms aren’t just delicious, they are packed full of health-supporting benefits, such as naturally occurring antioxidants. King oyster mushrooms contain high levels of ergothioneine, an antioxidant found in the mushroom’s mycelium and fruit bodies that help reduce damage from free radicals and oxidative stress. These superfoods have also been shown to lower cholesterol and help with weight loss.

Tofu and soybeans

Tofu is essential for the body’s tissues and cells to heal, which is necessary for a mother’s recovery following childbirth. Adequate protein intake supports the immune system by building antibodies and prevents loss of muscle mass for breastfeeding mothers.

Iron and copper, which are the two minerals important for red blood cell formation to replenish lost blood after delivery, are also found in soybeans. Additionally, soybeans contain omega-3 fatty acids which are beneficial for the brain development of babies.

Black beans

Black beans confinement meal delivery

New mothers are often at risk of anaemia and other complications related to the blood loss that occurs with the delivery of a baby. Therefore, it is important for meals to contain iron-rich ingredients such as black beans for the replenishment of blood.

Black beans are also good sources of folate, vitamin B6 and much more. Research shows that B vitamin supplementation has been linked with improving anxiety levels of those who are feeling stressed. This provides a good reason for new mothers who might be feeling stressed about the transition to motherhood to incorporate black beans into their confinement meals.

Green leafy vegetables

Leafy green veggies like spinach and broccoli are filled with vitamin A, a good non-dairy source of calcium and contain vitamin C and iron. Green leafy vegetables are also filled with antioxidants and are low in calories.


Chestnuts confinement meal delivery

Chestnuts are rich sources of vitamin C which can help to boost the immune system of new mothers. Chestnuts also come with properties that reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and therefore support cardiovascular health.

Red dates

Red dates are often boiled along with Longan and served as tea to new mothers to substitute drinking water. Dates are widely known for their sweet taste. However, they are also vital ingredients in confinement herbal soups because of their calming effects. This is recommended especially for mothers dealing with postpartum depression.

These are but a few of the ingredients used when preparing the best vegetarian confinement foods. That said, it is best to leave your confinement meals in the good hands of those who are trained in this field. If you’re searching for confinement soup packages, look no further than to NouRiche for all your nutritional needs. Get in touch today for more information!

Confinement meals

10 Herbs To Get For Your Postpartum Confinement

Confinement can be a particularly stressful period for new mothers who have to attend to a newborn baby while their body recovers from the toils of the delivery process. From the TCM perspective, this is a crucial period to nourish a mother’s body and restore her energy to optimal levels. Traditional confinement practices involve the usage of herbs to improve a mother’s immune system and regain the ‘Qi’ which was depleted during labour. This is regarded as the main element to help with postpartum recovery, and is often used in Chinese confinement food, beverages, and even baths. NouRiche is a leading provider of confinement food in Singapore, and this article dives into the herbs that mothers should consume during confinement, and how these herbs can be incorporated into their lifestyles.

Red dates, Dang Shen and wolfberries: Teas and soups

Confinement food Singapore Red dates, Dang Shen and wolfberries: Teas and soups

Cold beverages are believed to have a “cooling” effect which slows down the recovery of a new mother, and may result in poorer health. That is why mothers are advised to take only hot beverages, with traditional practices recommending hot teas and soups as part of a confinement diet. Adding wolfberries into teas and soups is beneficial for being high in antioxidants and packed with minerals that detoxify the body. It is also known to reduce stress and fatigue, on top of being excellent for nourishing the liver and kidneys.

Red dates, paired with several other herbs such as longans, are often prepared as a nourishing tea to replenish the necessary nutrients and revitalise blood that a mother has lost during delivery. This is especially remedial as a rich source of iron that replenishes red blood cells and enhances the immune system.

Dang Shen is commonly used in Chinese confinement food to correct ‘Qi’ and improve blood circulation to revitalise the body. In addition, it is also known to stimulate appetite and boost immunity levels.

Dang Gui, Bei Qi, Chinese Yam: Herbal soups

Confinement food Singapore Dang Gui, Bei Qi, Chinese Yam: Herbal soups

Herbal soups not only restore warmth and energy in the body of a mother, but also aids in boosting immunity. Dang Gui, also known as the Angelica Sinesis, is frequently used in soups to enrich the blood, promote circulation and regulate the body’s immune system – all of which are crucial for the restoration of health for new mothers.

Bei Qi comes with anti-inflammatory properties and protects the cardiovascular system. This herb also contains antioxidative, as well as anti-ageing capabilities.

Chinese yam is an ingredient that has been found to aid digestion, nourish blood and strengthen the spleen. It also contains antioxidants and properties that improve kidney and liver function.

Ginger, Lemongrass: Herbal bath

Confinement herbal baths are traditionally used by Asian women after childbirth, and are vital for the recovery of postnatal mothers. The most common herbs include ginger and lemongrass which help expel wind, remove dampness, disperse swelling, and alleviate pain.

Black date tea

Confinement food Singapore Black date tea

Black dates are another common Chinese herb used in soups and teas. More “heaty” compared to red dates in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), these herbs are especially suited for women undergoing confinement. Additionally, black dates are often also added in teas for sweetness, and to “tonify” the spleen and stomach.

Du Zhong

Most commonly included in herbal soups, Du Zhong is known to regulate and improve the immune and central nervous systems. It comes with benefits such as nourishing the liver and kidneys, as well as strengthening bones and muscles.

We hope this article has provided some insight into the Chinese herbs that you should incorporate into your postpartum confinement. The herbs mentioned all play significant roles in boosting immunity, restoring energy and blood levels, and driving out the wind from the body. Try incorporating them in your confinement foods for maximum benefit.

NouRiche is a provider of confinement catering services in Singapore that aims to support new mothers with the nutrients they need for an effective and speedy recovery. Speak with us today to find out more about our confinement food packages!
