Confinement meals

10 Herbs To Get For Your Postpartum Confinement

Confinement can be a particularly stressful period for new mothers who have to attend to a newborn baby while their body recovers from the toils of the delivery process. From the TCM perspective, this is a crucial period to nourish a mother’s body and restore her energy to optimal levels. Traditional confinement practices involve the usage of herbs to improve a mother’s immune system and regain the ‘Qi’ which was depleted during labour. This is regarded as the main element to help with postpartum recovery, and is often used in Chinese confinement food, beverages, and even baths. NouRiche is a leading provider of confinement food in Singapore, and this article dives into the herbs that mothers should consume during confinement, and how these herbs can be incorporated into their lifestyles.

Red dates, Dang Shen and wolfberries: Teas and soups

Confinement food Singapore Red dates, Dang Shen and wolfberries: Teas and soups

Cold beverages are believed to have a “cooling” effect which slows down the recovery of a new mother, and may result in poorer health. That is why mothers are advised to take only hot beverages, with traditional practices recommending hot teas and soups as part of a confinement diet. Adding wolfberries into teas and soups is beneficial for being high in antioxidants and packed with minerals that detoxify the body. It is also known to reduce stress and fatigue, on top of being excellent for nourishing the liver and kidneys.

Red dates, paired with several other herbs such as longans, are often prepared as a nourishing tea to replenish the necessary nutrients and revitalise blood that a mother has lost during delivery. This is especially remedial as a rich source of iron that replenishes red blood cells and enhances the immune system.

Dang Shen is commonly used in Chinese confinement food to correct ‘Qi’ and improve blood circulation to revitalise the body. In addition, it is also known to stimulate appetite and boost immunity levels.

Dang Gui, Bei Qi, Chinese Yam: Herbal soups

Confinement food Singapore Dang Gui, Bei Qi, Chinese Yam: Herbal soups

Herbal soups not only restore warmth and energy in the body of a mother, but also aids in boosting immunity. Dang Gui, also known as the Angelica Sinesis, is frequently used in soups to enrich the blood, promote circulation and regulate the body’s immune system – all of which are crucial for the restoration of health for new mothers.

Bei Qi comes with anti-inflammatory properties and protects the cardiovascular system. This herb also contains antioxidative, as well as anti-ageing capabilities.

Chinese yam is an ingredient that has been found to aid digestion, nourish blood and strengthen the spleen. It also contains antioxidants and properties that improve kidney and liver function.

Ginger, Lemongrass: Herbal bath

Confinement herbal baths are traditionally used by Asian women after childbirth, and are vital for the recovery of postnatal mothers. The most common herbs include ginger and lemongrass which help expel wind, remove dampness, disperse swelling, and alleviate pain.

Black date tea

Confinement food Singapore Black date tea

Black dates are another common Chinese herb used in soups and teas. More “heaty” compared to red dates in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), these herbs are especially suited for women undergoing confinement. Additionally, black dates are often also added in teas for sweetness, and to “tonify” the spleen and stomach.

Du Zhong

Most commonly included in herbal soups, Du Zhong is known to regulate and improve the immune and central nervous systems. It comes with benefits such as nourishing the liver and kidneys, as well as strengthening bones and muscles.

We hope this article has provided some insight into the Chinese herbs that you should incorporate into your postpartum confinement. The herbs mentioned all play significant roles in boosting immunity, restoring energy and blood levels, and driving out the wind from the body. Try incorporating them in your confinement foods for maximum benefit.

NouRiche is a provider of confinement catering services in Singapore that aims to support new mothers with the nutrients they need for an effective and speedy recovery. Speak with us today to find out more about our confinement food packages!

Confinement Food Caterer

Debunking 5 Confinement Myths

For many generations, Chinese mothers have followed confinement practices that are deeply rooted in traditional Chinese medicine. These practices are designed to help a new mother’s body heal and rest, as it is believed that large amounts of “Qi” and blood are lost during labour. Chinese culture recommends a month-long period of confinement after childbirth, including a modified diet of confinement food, and many rigorous practices intended to return a mother to full health. But what if we told you that while some of these traditional practices are helpful in the mother’s recovery, others are purely myths? Read on to discover if these practices hold any truth.

Myth 1: Do not drink plain water

Pouring purified plain water

Mothers need to stay adequately hydrated especially if they’re breastfeeding. A healthy adult needs 8 glasses of water a day on a normal basis. Breastfeeding mothers on the other hand, should take at least that amount plus a little more. For a new mother to meet her hydration needs, be sure to drink at least 1 glass of water after every breastfeeding session.

Myth 2: It is okay to drink alcohol

Alcohol is often used in TCM and Chinese confinement food to expel “wind” and promote blood circulation. But apart from that, new mothers should actually avoid large amounts of alcohol which can be very harmful for a breastfeeding baby, causing growth impairment and development.

Myth 3: Avoid washing of hair or showering

Ensuring a level of good personal hygiene after giving birth is of importance, and that certainly involves taking a shower. Besides maintaining personal comfort, regular bathing helps prevent skin and wound infections. However, the mother should dry her body thoroughly as it’s particularly important to keep the perineum area clean and dry to promote wound healing.

Myth 4: Do not use fans or air conditioning

Do not use fans or air conditioning confinement myth

A mother’s hormone levels change after childbirth as her body adjusts to post-pregnancy. These changes in hormone levels can directly cause a shift in body temperature. A new mother may also sweat more as her body helps to get rid of excess fluid. In Singapore’s hot climate, sweating at night can disrupt a mother’s sleep, causing irritability, and affecting her quality of life. As such, there is no harm in using the fan or air-conditioner as long as the temperature feels comfortable for her and her baby. In fact, having good airflow in the room prevents overheating, and may help to prevent heat rashes too.

Myth 5: Do not read or cry

Prolonged reading of fine print may cause eye strain for anyone, but apart from that, there is no evidence to suggest that reading can directly cause damage to the eyes of a new mother. That applies to crying as well. In fact, crying can be a helpful way of releasing some of the stress and emotions that come with being a new mother.

We hope this article has been helpful in debunking the myths that come with some of these common practices. Besides being on the right path to recovery, emphasis should also be placed on having confinement food with the right nutrients needed for a new mother; afterall, it is all the more necessary now for her to regain her strength and get a boost from her diet.

At NouRiche, we believe in the importance of providing mothers in Singapore with confinement food that is delicious and nutritious at the same time. Reach out to us if you’re looking for an experienced confinement food caterer, and learn about our extensive confinement food menu today!